The price increase has just been phenomenal this year with petrol in some places going up nearly 50% according to the news. Not so here in the UAE. Although the prices have gone up and people are having a whinge about it the cost of petrol here is embarrassing when compared to home. We hear you guys in Aus are paying up to $1.60 a litre and sometimes more. We are paying about 40cents a litre here. The impact is of course that many other things are also very cheap as there is little transportation associated with getting goods to market.
We fill the CRV for the equivalent of about $22 and the Merc takes about $15 for a full tank. And then we live in a place that takes 15 minutes to get from one side of town to the other. I can not imagine how much we would be paying out for petrol for Ron to commutte to Ryde and me to go to the city/Parra for work if we were still at home.