Nestled at the base of Huangshan, Yellow Mountain, is the delightful village of Huang Cun. Legend tells us after the village was totally destroyed by fire hundreds of years ago a sage was consulted who told the villagers to rebuild in the shape of a water buffalo. As part of the rebuilding the village has built in fire protection with small streams running through the streets and a central lake called the Half Moon Lake.
These days the village has outgrown the original design and there are houses and shops outside the core village and lining the banks of the lake on one side. However much of the initial village is still in existence and the villagers proudly open it daily to tourists.
On approaching Huang Cun, at the base of Yellow Mountain (China's Grand Canyon) it is clear this is a popular tourist spot and a favourite place for artists to practice their craft. Artisits were sitting on small stools with their paints and easels developing a variety of renditions of the lake, the bridges, the village and the surroundings. My effort at painting the village is included here!

Within the original village there are small shops and restaurants dotted along the winding pathways and it is not unusual to run into a family of geese out for a stroll. If you get lost you find one of the small canals that run along the pathways and follow the flow of the water back to the lake.

The villagers are very welcoming and will allow you to photograph them at work and rest. There are many opportunities for a photographer to record very authentic photographs of ancient Chinese culture and living.