We spent Christmas at home in Al Ain this year. It had a pretty rough start with Ron being doubled over in pain and having to be admitted to hospital. Apparantly he had a kidney stone/s and it caused him excritiating pain for a few hours late on Christmas Eve and early into Christmas morning. So at 1 am we found ourselves on the way to the hospital through a very thick fog! A few hours later and after an injection for his pain we were sent home with instructions to follow up in the morning! So the better part of Christmas Day was spent in thehospital having tests done. Anyway the stone must have decided to dissolve, move or explode (!) and by the evening Ron was in fine form to go to Christmas dinner at gail and Peter Mapham's house.
We had a terrific night with them and Mark and Liz Steven's, Tracy and David Davies and our dear friend Brian Minns. The photos show us all enjoying ourselves - and a fabulous dinner!
Wow! That Xmas Pudding looks absoultely divine! Well done you guys!