Saturday 31 July 2010

A musical play in Bailuzhou Park

Last night we decided to retrace our steps to Bailuzhou Park. On our previous trip we had found a stage all set up on the lake and some seating. On asking around we found out that at 8 pm each evening there is a performance. Last night was a lovely clear and balmy evening so off we went to see if the performance was on (you can't really trust advice in this place - so we went fully expecting that it would not be on!) We had no idea what sort of performance to expect but thought it was a good excuse to get away from the house for a few hours.

What unfolded was the story of 2000 years of Nanjing. Unfortunately our camera hasn't taken great pics at night and at distance but anyway - here are the few we took that turned out OK. It was a delightful show with boats gliding by with singers on them and beautifully constumed dancers. There was also a large screen that described (in Chinese) the history of Nanjing up to the Qing dynasty.

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